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Hello Folk, Cascadia Grove will hold our Spring Equinox Ritual on Sunday, March 16th @ 5pm PST in person and via zoom.  All people of good will are welcome to attend. The Bear Goddess and the Bird Goddess are the…Continue Reading

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This meeting is sponsored by Cascadia Grove, ADF, We will be honoring the Earth Mother, Nature Spirits and Brigid to consecrate a space for the meeting followed by a short guided meditation. After that, we draw an Omen from…Continue Reading

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It is summer 2019 and the Goddess Brigid’s Shrine is being built! The walls are up and the roof should be done by winter. The Goddess Samona’s Shrine just has a few finishing touches. Over the last year, we also…Continue Reading

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AS of fall 2019, the foundation, walls, and roof of the Goddess Brigid’s shrine are up and ready to withstand the winter.  Kirk Thomas, the founder and creator of White Mountain Druid Sanctuary (WMDS), decided on a circular theme for…Continue Reading

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Are you interested in visiting a place created to honor the deities of the ancient Indo-European past?  Do you wish to deepen your connection to the Land Spirits or your Ancestors?  Does attending high rites around a fire in a…Continue Reading

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Hello and welcome. Our upcoming events are listed on the right.  Everyone is welcome.

Shrines at White Mountain Druid Sanctuary

It is summer 2019 and the Goddess Brigid’s Shrine is being built! The walls are up and the roof should be done by winter. The Goddess Samona’s Shrine just has a few finishing touches. Over the last year, we also got a statue of Lleu Llaw Gyffes and there is now a shelter built over his statue.
The Patreon site ( has been updated with information about getting engraved bricks for the walkway up to Brigid’s Shrine. We also have a blog at