Cascadia Grove Spring Equinox Ritual – Sunday, March 16th @ 5pm PST

Hello Folk,

Cascadia Grove will hold our Spring Equinox Ritual on Sunday, March 16th @ 5pm PST in person and via zoom.  All people of good will are welcome to attend.

The Bear Goddess and the Bird Goddess are the Bear Goddess indeed!

We will be honoring the Gaulish Goddess Artio.

Little is known of Gaulish deities before (or after) Roman influence so it can be difficult to build what feels like an accurate picture of these beings.  In the case of Artio, there is one statue of her in which she appears to have a bowl of fruit on her lap and is feeding a bear.  She is said to be associated with abundance, transformation, providence, fertility and a goddess of the wilderness. There are a few inscriptions to Artio – one of these inscriptions from 6000 years ago appears to translate into “the bear goddess and the bird goddess are the bear goddess indeed.”  Evidence of her is found mostly in Switzerland, France and Western Germany.

See Calendar for event details.


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Shrines at White Mountain Druid Sanctuary

It is summer 2019 and the Goddess Brigid’s Shrine is being built! The walls are up and the roof should be done by winter. The Goddess Samona’s Shrine just has a few finishing touches. Over the last year, we also got a statue of Lleu Llaw Gyffes and there is now a shelter built over his statue.
The Patreon site ( has been updated with information about getting engraved bricks for the walkway up to Brigid’s Shrine. We also have a blog at